About our Board of Directors
As a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), Mosaic Health is required to have a governing Board of Directors made of at least 51% active, registered patients of the health centers who are representative of the population served.
Our current Board of Directors
- Jack Gleason, Board Chair
- Shana Dahlin, Vice Chair
- Susan Hustleby, Secretary
- Kevin Loughran, Treasurer
- Lydia Rivera, Immediate Past Chair
- Dominic Galante, MD
- Jerry Giudici
- George Haizlip
- Daniel Scott
Interested in joining our Board?
Read more about the duties of Board members.
Email hr@mosaichealth.org for details.
Contact CEO Michael Leary at: mleary@mosaichealth.org.
Contact the Mosaic Health Board of Directors: board@mosaichealth.org.
About our status as an FQHC
FQHCs like Mosaic Health Community Health Centers are “safety net” providers whose main purpose is to enhance access to and delivery of primary care services in underserved urban and rural communities. FQHCs include all organizations that receive grants under section 330 of the Public Health Service Act, certain tribal organizations, and FQHC Look-Alikes. Per Federal statute, all FQHCs must include a governing board of directors that is made up of a majority (at least 51%) of active, registered patients of the health center who are representative of the populations served.